Microsoft 365

What is plus addressing?

Plus addressing is a method of providing users with multiple unique email addresses that can then be easily used in inbox rules and filters.

For example, a user’s normal email may be [email protected], but a plus address that would be delivered to the same mailbox might be [email protected] the +newsletter can be unique each time you want to use your email address to sign up for something, and makes creating inbox rules to manage email really simple, with rules based on the To: email address alone.

As an end user, you manage the plus addressing component of your email address, allowing you to create as many or as few as you need.

Microsoft enabled this feature in Exchange Online in September 2020 as an opt-in feature for existing tenants, and the default for new tenants.

From January 2022 the feature will be enabled for all tenants. If you aren’t using this feature already and want to then speak to Kriston Technology and we can arrange for it to be enabled.

Action to take

In preparation for the change, it will be required to retire/change any email addresses that use a + sign in their standard email address. For most of our customers this would be pretty unusual, but if you have any concerns, please contact your primary Technical Consultant or give our service desk a call on 01993 880 980.

More information for Administrators can be found here: Plus Addressing in Exchange Online


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